

1ceb0x a fost scris 63 articole pentru I'll streets blue

Insane Trip – Hollow Hostel – Part two

He screamed so hard as the pain was increasing, almost making him to fade and pass out but, somehow, he managed to stay focused and in a split of a second, more from instinct at that moment, he banged his back into the concrete wall. One, two, three times! The creature was holding on but he could actually feel it was letting him go, slowly. Four, five, six! His elbows started to bleed from the bruises but from all that adrenaline he didn’t noticed. He tries again, banging by the concrete wall and cursing in the same time: „Come on, you fuck!”
The dog was visibly shaken from all those encounters with the wall and on a last attempt to smash it once more, he loses the loot and falls on the floor like a piece of dead meat.

– Have to get out of here! This thing might get up sooner than later.

He grabbed the railing and limped downstairs increasing the pace with each step he took, feeling in the same time that his knee was failing to cooperate. When he had a few stairs until the forth floor, he heard a noise coming from the upper staircase. He panicked and he missed one step, falling on the ground. Excruciating pain coming from his knee, made him think at the dog he left behind. The pain was unbearable and it could easily compete with the one he felt earlier if such a contest was held. He could barely get up and he was doing superhumanly efforts to at least get in a safe place. The creature, still dizzy from the treatment, climbed down the stairs slowly but with the same madness in his eyes.
He scanned the area around, saw a partially opened door from room 405 and tried to crawl towards it. The dog made progress on the stairs and it was pretty close to him when he understood that his plan will not succeed. He was ready to fight the creature again although this time he had a handicap, but the dog was also weakened. The creature caught him off guard somehow and jumped towards him once more, as if it was the last effort of killing him! His eyes were closed at the moment the dog decided to attack him because he didn’t wanted to assist or see his own death. He was prepared to let go and move away from this nightmare, hoping that everything is just a dream and he could actually wake up and turn the iPod’s volume a little bit lower.
But just when he felt the dog’s breath, a pretty close gun shot sound woke him up.

– Whew! You had luck there, mister! These dogs are pretty dangerous, how did you managed to take care of it without any guns?
– Wh…who are you?
– Well my name is not important now, cowboy. We need to get you somewhere safe and take care of those wounds. And the hallway is nowhere near safe. Here, let me help you to get up.
– Thanks, but please be careful because it hurts like hell!
– OK, put your hand over my neck and don’t scream. There are many things you could wake up if you do!

They went inside room 405 and close the door behind them. The lights were turned on. He was in a really bad shape from the dog’s bite, he lost a pretty good amount of blood and his knee didn’t looked so well either.

– I’m Emina, by the way! What’s your name?
– Danny. Nice to meet you!

Emina was a beautiful young girl, probably around 22-23 years old, judging by her perfectly tanned and unwrinkled skin. She had long, curled red hair and a great shaped body with a cleavage so generous, that it would turn every man’s head on the streets.

– I am clearly dreaming now! He said.
– What’s wrong, Danny?
– Ermm…nothing! Don’t mind me, I am still shocked by what happened, says Danny, avoiding an embarrassing moment.

She noticed, however, that he was attracted by her looks and continued the conversation:
– You like these babies, huh? said Emina, touching her boobs lascivious.
– Erm… Yeah, they are awesome! said Danny, visible embarrassed by the situation.
– Well, keep your focus straight, mister! We need to fix you fast if we don’t want to get caught by the Hounds.
– The who!? says Danny.
– No time to explain now. Sit down and hold still so I can patch your back for good. It doesn’t look too great!

While she was behind him, he turned and looked at her. He was attracted by her from the moment they encountered and she shared the same sentiment. They clicked and next time you know, they kissed! A long, soft and juicy kiss!
The light blinked for a few seconds, interrupting this romantic moment. He panicked and stopped! The room 405 had a door that led in a somewhat big hall room – like a ball or dinner room. The light blinked once more and he jumped from its chair, like he was ready to go.

– It happens a lot, here. I once had no electricity for a few days! Good thing that I had my flashlights charged, said Emina, although she was only trying to make him feel better.

The light went out for good on a third try and he could actually feel all the horror gathering inside the room.

– Stick close to me and don’t make a sound! said Emina, looking inside her bag for those flashlights.
– OK, but hurry up with the light, please!

While she was trying to find a way to illuminate the room faster, the door leading to the ball room, opened slowly with a squeaky and long noise. They froze! The tension was building up until at a point where they were unable to move since they didn’t knew what is going on, or who opened the door.

– Emina? he whispered slowly!
– Eminaa? a second whisper!
– Eminaaaaaaaa?!

To be continued.

Insane Trip – Hollow hostel – Part one

And he wasn’t doing anything really, just lived the life how it was. It took every part of it and destroying it, trying to understand the meaning of it. It was hard, he knew that. But at least he was making its way out of the ordinary. Not with his appearance, because frankly, he never wanted to be in the spotlight, but rather with his own mind. Many people saw him as a good and humble person and he had a power to make them follow.

Sleepless from last night, he woke up mainly because the iPod was too loud. Not a good way to start the morning after such a night. „What am I doing here? Why do I keep waking up in this dream?”, he said.

*Knock knock knock* – someone was at the door, waiting.

– Who’s there?, he said, a bit scared than anything else.

– Come on, wake up and let’s go!

When he opened the door, no one was there, nothing. He rushed to its right and hovered over the balcony; the building door was closed. No one went outside of the building.

– I must go insane! What the fuck was that? Need to fully wake up, I think.

He closed the door behind him and started to take his clothes off, throwing them wherever they landed. He didn’t cared at that time. Opened the bathroom door and turned the faucet to its left. The shower went sprinkling like a mad man on his whole body, with nothing else than cold water. He didn’t feel it. Tried to reach the shampoo on his right but couldn’t. He opened his eyes and finally grabbed it but when he tried to pour it in its palm, tiny spiders dropped from the shampoo container. He got scared and shook his hand quickly, but when he looked down trying to detect them, he realized that the shampoo was all over the floor.

– Well that’s something interesting. Maybe this is a nightmare from which I can’t wake up.

After this shocking therapy, the cold water started to make its way, invading its pores. This time he really felt it and within a matter of seconds he switched to hot water but it was in vain. He could not feel the hot water even though it was turned on. He felt the cold water, the chill, the goosebumps, but he was unable to feel the heat. He tried to switch it back and forth, cursing in the same time.

– Damn repair man, I told him this piece of shit is not working.

But it wasn’t the repair man’s fault. A punch into the faucet and the water started to transform into blood. Scared, he tried to get out of the bathroom but he slipped on the shampoo which was „glued” on the floor and the water wasn’t helping. He managed to get on his knees and ran outside. He immediately realized that the light from its room went out and when he tried to switch it on, the power switch was nonexistent. He started to scream but no one could have heard him. He was all alone in the hostel. No one was checked in and he was at the fifth floor. His body started to shiver and the hair from its back was tingling. He was getting nervous and scared. Using his senses and orientation he managed to take some clothes from the closet and put them on.

Blindfolded by the darkness, he tried to pull the curtains from the windows but there were no windows. The room started to transform and he managed to see the light pouring in from the key hole like a savior. Rushed through it and slipped again, this time on the blood that was trying to make its way out of the bathroom. In that momentum, he grabbed the door knob and landed on his left knee almost crushing it. He felt some bones breaking but there was no time to grieve.  Somehow, he managed to get out of that room but the light on the hallway was dimmed.

– At least here I can see something. What the fuck just happened in that room?

He checked his left knee and realized that he was unable to run. He turns his head to the right, he sees the staircase and the opportunity to run from this nightmare. He then turns left where the light wasn’t on, because he could hear a growling. Its heartbeat starts to increase its pace, almost ripped his chest open by the feel of terror. He freezes. From that corner of the hallway he could distinguish two small sparkling eyes. Growling and mumbling, these two eyes were coming closer and closer but he couldn’t move. He could barely see what’s hidden in that darkest corner but he tried to focus harder and after a while he was able to distinguish a shape. When the creature was near he realized it is actually a bulldog, a mad one, with his slobbery teeth ready for action. He shook off the frozen state that caught him and started to run towards the staircase but the knee was in a bad shape so he started leaping towards it. The creature came close, so close that it ripped his pants at the bottom, he grabbed the railing but he fell off the stairs, like a barrel of wine. The dog jumped towards him and he grabbed him with his hands, but the creature was at a few centimeters away from its face, barking, growling and trying to rip him apart. He struggled to keep him off, somehow, but the dog seemed much more powerful than he actually was. Threw him into the wall and tried to get on his feet to continue its journey on the staircase, but not long after he grabbed the railing, the creature jumped on his back and inserted his slobbery teeth in his collar bone, sending him into a roller coaster of pain.

To be continued.

Alta casa, un perfect mod de calatorie!

Plutind catre rasarituri infinite vad cum ma disip pe toate culorile zarite, ma vad parasindu-mi corpul si aceasta lume, gata sa imbratisez universul, si el pe mine. Vreau sa ma las purtat de un val plin cu toate grijile si framantarile pe care le-am adunat in mine ca un cufar cu fundul spart. Deja ma gandesc la ce natii voi gasi pe acolo, ce personaje, caractere, ce planete pline de orase cu animale ciudate dar foarte politicoase, care iti ofera totul pentru a te integra printre ei. Poti calatori atat incat sa nu simti nevoia unei pauze, sau sa ai impresia ca acest trip dureaza foarte mult. Te poti opri la orice galaxie, oricat de departe ar fi ea si poti face asta daca urmezi acest val imens si il calaresti, pentru ca esti capabil. Esti capabil, o stii tu si o stiu si eu, cat si ei. Ajuns la aceea care te face sa spui ‘acasa’ cand o vezi, vei vrea sa te integrezi si vei uita atunci de modul tau de calatorie care te-a adus pana acolo, te vei debarasa de el ca pe o masea stricata. Iti vei incepe viata noua si iti vei cumpara un alt val. Un val plin cu bucurii, iubiri si multe alte bunatati care se aseamana intre ele ca fiind cele mai stralucitoare chestii din valul acesta nou. Valul vechi v-a pleca din viata ta pentru totdeauna. Ai ales, ai putut sa faci asta si ai vrut-o. O meritai! Un nou val, wow! Te vei integra atat de bine in aceasta noua casa incat vei uita de vechiul loc de trai si rareori iti vei aduce aminte de unde ai venit. Dar nici ca-ti pasa! Iti place atat de mult unde esti acum incat toata lumea te ovationeaza cand treci printre ei, calare pe valul cel nou. Atat de stralucitor si de frumos este, de unii chiar raman cu gura cascata si nemiscati.


Radioul il trezeste. Ceva fara sens se aude din difuzorul mic si prafuit. Inca incearca sa isi revina, se da jos din pat si se indreapta catre baie unde-si spala fata de parca si-ar spala niste rani adanci. Cand isi deschide ochii deja se vede tragand pantalonii pe el si o haina. Totul se petrecea cu o viteza nimicitoare; acum se aranja si in secunda doi incuia usa in urma lui. Nu intelegea nimic din ce se intampla.

Pentru o clipa inchide ochii si se trezeste intr-un desert, alergand intruna, se uita la mainile sale care acum erau invelite in matase. In spate cara o sabie lunga, asemenea unei sabii ninja; fugea cat putea de tare desi nu stia de ce fuge. Nu gasea raspunsul. Dintr-o data o voce ii vorbeste si uitandu-se in sus observa un chip, un chip de inger, ceva nemaivazut, atat de frumos si de neobisnuit era acel chip care il indemna sa mearga mai departe, sa fuga cat poate de repede caci are de indeplinit o misiune.

In timp ce fugea, isi da seama ca matasea care il inconjura incepe sa dispara si incet-incet el se descompunea in firicele de nisip facandu-l una cu desertul. Acum nu mai fugea el, ci vantul il impingea catre destinatie. Luase o forma neobisnuita, ca un fel de reincarnare. Acum era mult mai puternic si mai rapid, in felul acesta ajunsese sa parcurga mii de kilometrii. Ziua se termina, seara incepea, soarele apunea iar luna rasarea. Asa au trecut zilele. Evenimentele se succedau unele dupa altele. La un moment dat s-a oprit din alergat intalnind un grup de soldati ninja cu tunici negre, invaluiti din cap pana in picioare de li se vedeau decat ochii mici si negrii ca niste taciuni. A sarit din spatele vantului care il impingea si si-a reluat forma de om.

A scos sabia si era gata de lupta. Ei 5, el unul singur. Le sopteste ceva fara ca inamicii sa auda, doar ca sa ii atraga intr-o capcana, rand pe rand acestia se apropiau de el ca sa auda mai bine ce are de spus. Sabia scruta aerul cu viteze foarte mari de nu puteai vedea cu ochiul liber ce se intampla. Unul cate unul cei 5 soldati cazusera secerati.

Isi infige sabia in teaca si incepe iarasi sa alerge. La viteza optima acesta se transforma iarasi in nisip si calare pe coama vantului fuge spre destinatie, caci trebuia sa isi salveze viitorul, raza de speranta, drumul catre sufletul sau. Acea entitate ce il impingea catre sfarsit, cea pe care o vazuse pe cer, era in pericol. Desi nu isi dadea seama, el era condamnat sa fuga in continuare, pentru totdeauna. Nu avea un punct de plecare si un punct de sosire, era blocat in acest univers in care din cand in cand isi mai faceau aparitia cativa inamici. Dupa ce ii termina, isi relua pozitia de alergator. Ca un maraton fara sfarsit.

Cand a deschis ochii, s-a trezit intr-un scaun, la birou. Totul fusese un vis!

Pilonii de sustinere – Partea a doua

Mergea invaluit de o mantie protectoare, care, il ferea de orice picatura de ploaie. Nu stia dar ploaia isi facuse aparitia in preajma sa, insa din cauza protectiei, deasupra lui era soare. Ploaia il ocolea, croiindu-si drum pe alaturi. Scoase cutiuta din buzunar si arunca o privire la dungile sterse de culoare. „Asa cum timpul trece peste mine si voi, asa trece si peste aceasta cutie veche. Se depune rugina asa cum peste noi se depun ridurile la suprafata, iar la interior, emotiile si trairile.”

Trage un ochi peste poza si pe chip ii apare un zambet stralucitor ca un lac pur. O pune inapoi in cutie si isi continua drumul purtand acel zambet ca pe un scut protector impotriva vremurilor grele. Mergea necontenit, purtandu-si emotiile intre scuturi, gandindu-se ca mai are foarte putin si ajunge in locul unde scuturile sale se vor sparge in milioane de cioburi iar acestea vor poposi pe pamant si vor prinde radacini formand un copac plin de culori, in care, pe alocuri puteai gasi si o multime de flori uscate, trecute de vreme, intocmai ca amintirile sale cele mai amare.

Nu mai avea mult si stia lucrul acesta. Se simtea din ce in ce mai puternic pe masura ce inainta. Poposeste putin pentru a se odihni; se aseaza pe iarba abia crescuta si inchise ochii. In spatele pleoapelor totul juca, ca un teatru neobosit intr-o seara de vara. Isi vedea prietenii atat de aproape incat ii atingea… totul era descris de culori vii, de iti dadea impresia ca este regizat de faimosul si ilustrul Stanley Kubrick. Radea cu voce tare de felul cum imaginile se succedau, pentru ca in fiecare amintire, existau momente comice. Isi iubea prietenii la fel cum iubea viata si de aceea nu abandona drumul pe care il parcurgea zilnic. Simtea o putere de nedescris cand ii vedea prin soapte si culori si decide sa se urneasca din loc, lasand iarba mototolita in urma.

Cateodata dadea impresia de om ratacit si singur, doar daca il priveai in ochi. Dar daca petreceai destul timp in compania sa, observai cat de puternic si iubitor este.

Mergea deja de multa vreme si cu fiecare pas ce ardea asfaltul, se simtea tot mai aproape. Trecuse prin incercari multe, isi doborase oboseala, foamea, frica de singuratate, pana si setea, pentru a inainta in obiectivul sau. Nu, nu era obiectivul unui aparat prafuit, uitat de lume. Era menirea lui si pasii sai l-au purtat spre victorie, o victorie sufleteasca. Prin ploi, furtuni si soare, dar a izbutit si a ajuns…

Inima sa o lua razna cand le strangea mana si ii imbratisa pe fiecare in parte. In sfarsit, nu se mai simtea singur, ci implinit, iubit, de parca el era desertul iar prietenii lui – apa. Atat de multa nevoie avea de ei.

„Oricat de ratacit ai fi prin aceasta vasta lume, nu iti renega niciodata prietenii pentru ca ei, sunt combustibilul unei vieti prospere!”

A doua zi dormea in patul sau impacat cu gandul de zile mai bune, istovit de atatea zile nefaste.

Citeşte asta!

Creative Commons Licence

I'll streets blue by 1ceb0x is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at I'll streets blue.
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  • 12.401 hits! Killing me softly.